
An Introduction to Mithril Components

As with other popular frameworks, mithril allows developers to encapsulate functionality into reusable components. A mithril component is comprised of an object containing lifecycle methods and a “view” method to render HTML. vnode(s) are javascript objects that represent the virtual DOM elements.

const componentAnatomy = {
    oninit: vnode => {
        console.log("component initialized");
    oncreate: vnode => {
        console.log("component DOM created");
    onbeforeupdate: => (newVnode, oldVnode) => {
	    console.log("component updated internal state data");
        return true
    onupdate: vnode => {
        console.log("component DOM updated");
    onbeforeremove: vnode => {
        console.log("exit animation can start");
        return new Promise( (resolve) => {
            // call after animation completes
    onremove: vnode => {
        console.log("removing DOM element");
    view: vnode => {
        return "hello"

To create a vnode, an HTML element tag, id, class, or component is passed to the m() hyperscript function…

m('h1','Hello World')

…which is then returned by the view method of the component.

const helloWorld = {
	view: vnode => m('h1','Hello World')

State, DOM attributes, event handlers and lifecycle methods can also be passed into components via the attrs property of the vnode object.

const helloWorld = {
	view: vnode => m('h1',{
		class: 'entry-header',
		style: 'color:blue;',
		onclick: e => {
			console.log( "Do Something")
	},'Hello World')


More advanced component implementation and state management will be covered in future tutorials.

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